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Merry Christmas from Romania!

Christmas this year has looked different than any other Christmas that I’ve had in my 23 years. I’ve woken up Christmas morning to fresh cappuccinos my dad makes, stockings hanging on the mantle, a wood-burning fire, and a leisurely morning opening presents while my dogs try and steal the wrapping paper and snow falls outside.

I woke up in my sleeping bag on my top bunk surrounded by sixteen of the most wonderful women. It was a slow morning and we just enjoyed each other’s company. The rest of the squad made their way up to the loft. We were so graciously given money to enjoy a beautiful Christmas breakfast and Christmas dinner. Thank you to all who donated!! We ate cinnamon rolls, eggs, and applesauce all crammed into a small space. Jacob read us the story of the birth of Christ! Luke 2! (I am going to make it a life-long tradition to read it Christmas morning before we do anything else!) We sat around and opened our stalkings and did a squad-wide Secret Santa exchange!! It was a uniquely beautiful way to celebrate!

Getting to spend Christmas in a different country this year was such a sweet experience and I recognize that I will likely never spend another like it. I mean, I just spent my favorite holiday with 24 people I met 4 months ago. And it wasn’t even cold. Wild!!

Carrying the gospel with me everywhere I go in Craiova, knowing that I hold something that could change a person’s life is beyond worth me giving up any and all comforts during this Christmas season. I can’t not share the good news.

To my family back home, I miss you, I love you, and I am praying for you. I can’t wait to see you in just seven short months!!

*** not me finally posting this blog on new year’s eve…


One response to “Merry Christmas from Romania”

  1. We missed you so much during Christmas – but I KNOW you are right where you are supposed to be. We love you.